Ice Stamp for Cubes and Spheres (Custom Artwork)
Make a lasting impression on your Vault Ice Cubes & Spheres. Simply press the stamp into the Craft Cocktail Rock and your custom logo/design will be branded onto the ice.
To see a demo of the ice stamp, as well as how to properly handle and serve Vault Ice Craft Cocktail Rocks - watch this link.
Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery after artwork proof is approved.
Please email your *high resolution artwork to:
Note: Some artwork is not suitable for the ice stamp and is subject to approval. Long names, and small details tend not to translate well. The impression area is approximately 1.75" x 1.75" for the cube, and 1.25" x 2.25" for the sphere.
You must include your invoice # with your email. Artwork received without invoice # will not be submitted.
*Vector files are preferred